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Odom Is Owed More Than This

Odom Is Owed More Than This
Odom Is Owed More Than This

Here’s the latest as of today-if some are still interested-another miracle has happened, Lamar Odom is off dialysis and will not need a kidney transplant according to sources. Thankfully he keeps getting better and better on his long road to recovery. What looked like touch and go, is now a turnaround of a survival story.

Yet, it’s all stronger and much more meaningful than that.

This is about making sure Lamar Odom gets better and recovers completely…physically and mentally. This is not about the gossip rags or social media trends…you can save all that tweeting for the birds. This is one step at a time…not one rumor after another.

Will the former NBA champion, ‘Sixth Man Of The Year’, Laker, Clipper and Miami Heat player that could stretch the court like no other player in history the way he could play all five positions on the floor ever play again? That’s the least important thing right now for a legend whose legacy will always live on on what he did during his time in the NBA. Will he get back with his ex-wife Khloe Kardashian? Are you kidding me right now? Although we wish them the best, that’s not even our business. Let alone something that should be brought up right now!

Come on!

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This is about a troubled man who is much more of a person beyond his pain, finding health and happiness again no matter what people say.

To those bemoaning the amount of attention he’s getting in the media after his critical condition hospitalization after taking drugs in a brothel, he’s not welcoming this. Even if you are ignorant enough to think her brought it on himself. This is a man that has wanted the TMZ likes of refresh a second gossip columns in this digital newspaper age out of his life a long, damn time ago. And who could blame him? Or the people visiting and supporting him, famous name or not. This is not a reality show and he’s not a reality star. He’s a basketball one…and a man first. A man dealing with a depression and loneliness those looking to fuel the fire are too shallow to ever know. To ever know the shameful embarrassment of having your dirty laundry aired out in public…hourly. Now that is not our concern. And this is real life people. It’s not another exercise in cashing in on articles, (part of me, ashamed doesn’t even know why I’m writing this, although I feel it’s needed one way or another) shared posts, likes and retweets in a “me” generation age where some feign concern and sympathy over an addiction to celebrity tragedy just to gain readers, followers, or a digital only respect that comes with this selfish culture, ‘selfie’ style of showing off about how ‘good’ or ‘nice’ they are.

That does not deserve a thumbs up. Liking is not caring…or helping. Action over reaction is.

Real help…real care.

Real life.

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Don’t be fooled. Don’t fall for anything else. This is not about needing to know what’s going on and needing to have the first word or last laugh. This is about needing to know a mans OK. Have you seen how many people and news sites have dropped off now he’s better and he’s no longer the latest social media, cycle trend? Last weeks news?! Really? This is not about the latest breaking news that people will search and scrape for once they find out what’s really happening with Khloe and Lamar. Yet again that has nothing to do with us.

And I’m one of number sevens biggest fans, but more than anything I just want him to be OK. There’s a lot I’ve wanted to write, but it didn’t seem appropriate. Perhaps this isn’t either. All I did was tweet this (and I’m including it for what the words mean about the man)…’My Lamar Odom jersey still hangs proud in my room. No player could play like he played! No one has overcome as much as he! I have faith.’ Yet my and other real fans and concerned parties have more character than just what 30 keystrokes can give us. It’s unedited…unfiltered. Others treating it like it’s a hash-tag trend or first developing story wins just don’t get it. This is a mans life and livelihood.

But they aren’t even the worse ones.

Those that think this is all for the sport of a mocking meme or vile Vine may just want to stick to the skit of Drake’s ‘Hotline Bling’ video. For mocking a mans life hanging in the balance isn’t at all funny. It’s cruel and computer keyboard and screen cowardly. Those trying to make a point too that support shouldn’t be offered to a man who was addicted to drugs and spent time with prostitutes, whilst also using a shared post or whatever to ridicule are ridiculous and need to check themselves first before they throw stones from their transparent tenements. It’s pathetic and they owe him more than an apology.

From an early age Lamar lost his mother, than the grandmother that raised him, friends, hope and then his own baby infant. Then after overcoming all this mental torture and substance abuse he became one of the kindest men and unique ball players around. He found championship career success and love and then lost it all in front of television show cameras that didn’t even need all the blogs and b.s. to follow with their broke two cents…but oh did they. That’s just a summary guys! That’s enough to drive even the strongest of souls (which he is) to more than despair.

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Now I don’t mean to speculate or make excuses but can you blame him? As we complain day-to-day about less or a life we don’t even know. If you don’t get that or him. If you don’t even respect it a little bit than you just don’t understand. Mental health or all the trouble and turmoil that causes it. If you see this man or this scenario as less than or not as worthwhile as others than you really, truly don’t get it. Or for that matter have any respect for those that suffer these type of problems or issues. These problems could effect any of us in any form and do. Disrespect and shamefully ridicule Lamar Odom for this and you disrespect and shamefully ridicule anyone and everyone that goes through personal problems that effect mental well-being. The person you just walked past in the street. A family member or friend you didn’t even know needed help. The guy writing this article. Maybe even yourself.

And we can both agree to those even worse that wish the worst for this kind, talented (not that that should be an issue) and troubled (that is the issue here) young man there’s words we can’t put down here that they deserve. But we don’t need to write that. Because Lamar’s about to rewrite it all. In the face of it all he’s going to get better and stronger and recover from this relapse. He’s going to live again and on. He’s not giving up…maybe it’s time those with a desire to disgrace or deface did when it comes to all they have to say.

Because just like the end of this…it’s nothing. And this man is more than all of that…much more!




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