Edmonton Stingers guard Xavier Moon has been named the Canadian Elite Basketball League’s first-ever Player of the Year. Moon, who led the Stingers in...
“Basketball Never Stops!” That’s what Nike t-shirts read during the 2011 NBA Lockout. But now all Under Armour t-shirts sported by those not wearing...
Guelph Nighthawks president Cameron Kusch has made history as the CEBL's first Executive of the Year, recognizing his impactful leadership in basketball.
Canada opened-up a two-game exhibition series against New Zealand firing on all-cylinders — blowing-out the Tall Blacks 122-88 in Sydney, Australia. Aaron Best game-high...
Canadian shooting guard Addison Patterson (Milton, Ont.) has committed to the Oregon Ducks. The 6’7″, 205-pound guard from Bella Vista Prep in Arizona reclassified...
Canada opened-up a five-game pre-FIBA World cup exhibition schedule on foreign soil with an impressive 20-point, 90-70 win over Australia Boomers. Playing with just...
The Eddie Ekiyor era at Carleton is officially over. Ekiyor a two-time U Sports champion and first-team All-Canadian has decided to forgo his senior...
Canada basketball has announced the final 19 players that will attended training camp and eventually make-up the final 12-men roster for the 2019 FIBA...