In a dramatic turn of events, Canada orchestrated a stunning 12-point comeback to overcome Germany, securing a nail-biting 113-112 overtime victory and clinching the...
Playing in their second game of the 2020 FIBA Olympic Qualifying Tournament, Canada flexed its muscle, beating China by 30-points in the dominating 109-79...
Two weeks away from one of the most significant tournaments in the country's basketball history. Canada kicked-off its quest to end its 20-year Olympic...
Following a six-year absence from the national team, Andrew Wiggins has committed to play for Team Canada at the 2021 FIBA Olympic Qualifying Tournament...
If you are looking for the next rising Canadian superstar, then look no further than recently turned 17-year old Addison Patterson. Currently representing Canada...
In what will go down as one of the greatest individual performances of all-time, and arguably one the most important international team victories in...
Canada’s U19 National team has reached it’s first-ever semi-finals by defeating France 73-67 at 2017 FIBA World Cup Championship in Cairo Egypt. 17-year old...
Istanbul, Turkey — Canada’s Senior Women’s basketball team wrapped up a successful run at the 2014 FIBA World Championships with a hard fought and well...